Newsletter 59: Breakthrough in health research – Vaccinated people can be helped! Paraiso Verde shows solution to reunite our families

Newsletter El Paraiso VerdeDear El Paraiso Verde Fans,


JUST TO MAKE IT CLEAR: If you are unvaccinated, you can come to El Paraiso Verde at any time, as a guest, settler or investor, without taking the residual C19 vaccine test.

El Paraiso Verde has partnered with Impact Health, a global leader in the new health economy, to offer the Covid19 Vaccine Residual Analysis to all El Paraiso Verde fans, your friends, family, loved ones and the people you care about.

Now anyone can get a blood analysis offered and used in all countries of the world, performed by a world leader in blood donation certification. Before COVID (and still with the Red Cross) blood donations were and are partially anonymous.

The Red Cross does not know who the donor was and whether the donor was vaccinated. Covid has changed all that. People who need blood transfusions demand to know the donor and receive certified “clean” blood for their transfusion. The Covid19 vaccine residual analysis, provided to us by Impact Health, is used by the global leader in safe blood donation in all 50 US states and 55 countries around the world.


This question will be answered in detail in a 43-minute presentation by Erwin Annau. Send us an email to to get your access and also to order your C19 residual vaccine analysis.

Write in the subject line:

Free lecture on C19 analysis

We will then send you free of charge…:

1. the private link to our lecture on how YOU get KNOWLEDGE about whether you are directly affected by a vaccination or indirectly by vaccinated people in your environment. You will be able to find out if the C19 vaccine has damaged your RNA and/or DNA (and, if so, is it possible to repair this damage).

2. the link for your analysis: order it directly from Impact Health, pay online and by credit card. Your analysis kit will be sent to you wherever you live.

3. your special EPV discount code that you enter to receive your “Friends of EPV” discount.

4. the latest white paper (scientific dossier) on TRANSMISSION. This paper revolutionizes the way we look at the impact of Covid19 vaccinations. You will find that many “leading” scientists have focused on the wrong cause (it is not the spike protein but the transmission of the Covid19 vaccines and mRNA…). This will change your whole concept of dealing with Covid19 and the vaccines.

We can now say that any vaccinated person who takes responsibility for their own health and follows the Impact Health protocol and the advice of an Impact Health manager can be brought to a state where they no longer transmit the Covid19 vaccines or the mRNA contained in the Covid19 vaccines to others.

Our partner for the Covid19 vaccine residual analysis, Impact Health, has recently published two separate white papers. One of the dossiers deals with the topic of spike proteins, the other with the “transmission pathways”, which also contains a summary of the latest scientific findings.

This is brand new data. This is current, advancing science. Please be aware that all the information you receive on this topic represents the CURRENT state of knowledge. As the scientific work on the remediation of damage caused by Covid19 is very new, the results will change as more and more cases are processed and evaluated.

As always – we need to talk about the bad news first:

Up to 50% of the unvaccinated are victims of transmission. That means it’s possible that 50% of the unvaccinated are YELLOW in the C19 vaccine residual analysis. They have a DNA/RNA disorder caused by contact with vaccinated individuals.

Now the “fog” is clearing as to why unvaccinated people also get sick more often, their “flu” is strange (sudden high fever, nausea), some often have lightheadedness in the head and other symptoms, pregnancy problems and even miscarriages of unvaccinated people have also increased significantly. The answer can be found here:

Unvaccinated people can have a YELLOW analysis even without vaccination!

Here is the good news:

All victims of Covid19 vaccination (whether by injection or transmission) can improve their health, especially if they work with an Impact Health Manager and follow their recommendations.

Created for Health’s Covid19 Vaccine Residual Analysis reports in three categories and three colors.

Here’s what I mean:

Created for Health’s Covid19 Vaccine Residual Analysis is as follows:

  • Presence of Covid19 vaccine by injection – RED
  • Presence of a Covid19 vaccine, no injection – YELLOW
  • No presence of Covid19 vaccine – GREEN
  • Presence of Covid19 spike protein by injection or natural disease – RED
  • No presence of Covid19 spike protein – GREEN.
  • Damage to RNA/DNA by mRNA from a Covid19 vaccine injection – RED
  • Damage to RNA/DNA, by RNA from Covid19, no injection – YELLOW
  • No damage/impairment of RNA/DNA – GREEN.

According to the latest report on the research with many more cases analyzed, it takes on average between 12 and 18 months to go from YELLOW to GREEN. Most people have multiple health problems, so this period has become longer according to the latest findings.

But: The latest research shows that the YELLOWs do not transmit the C19 vaccine or mRNA (they do not excrete it either, of course). Therefore, the YELLOWS can be guests at El Paraiso Verde, and if they maintain their program, they can be investors. The rule at EPV is: you can do whatever you want as long as you don’t harm other people. So the YELLOW can be settlers and investors.

Let’s talk about the…

REDS: REDS were usually victims of injections.

We have sensationally good news from recent research regarding REDs:

The data shows that our health managers can help people go from RED to YELLOW in less than three months – even those who have been vaccinated more than once. Some have gone from RED to YELLOW faster than 3 months, but we’re not sure if this is an anomaly or not. Therefore, it is much more comfortable for us to say “less than 3 months”.

The summary of an ever-growing number of cases shows that RED is no longer a “NO” at El Paraiso Verde.

A vaccinated person taking the test from home may even be GREEN (more placebos have been used than you’d think)! It’s a relief to get so much clarity.

But even if you are RED, you will be accepted into the program and can even plan to come to EPV in about 3-4 months and you can prepare your move home while YOU complete the program. The duration of the program depends on your lifestyle and how strictly you follow the protocols.

Once the color RED has been changed to YELLOW through a post-test, you are no longer contagious and therefore eligible for El Paraiso Verde as a settler and investor.

We can’t promise that we can completely remove the damage.

We can’t guarantee that anyone will be cured, but so far we seem to be getting everyone to YELLOW, which means that you are no longer transmitting anything to others.

Therefore, even as a RED you can be an investor in EL Paraiso Verde.

Once you are YELLOW and continue your program, you can become a settler.

It takes longer to go from YELLOW to GREEN than we previously thought. But there is no more transfer.

To summarize: Everyone – even the unvaccinated – should participate in the program, especially if they feel they have an illness or something is off.

According to the life principles of El Paraiso Verde, you are responsible for your own health as long as you do not harm your fellow villagers.

Of course, you are free to use other cures, methods and supplements, or to combine them with your health manager’s program. This will not negatively influence this program.

The goal of the Impact Health Manager is to help your OWN body heal itself and thus remove the vaccine(s), repair your RNA and DNA, and remove the spike protein, which happens naturally when your RNA/DNA is functioning properly. The hope is to completely rid the body of the mRNA, but there is no guarantee of that.

CONTACT US NOW for more info on C19 Residual Vaccine Analysis – PLUS:

1. get access to our free video lecture about Impact Health and the Created for Health Cv19 vaccine residue analysis

2. get the info on how to get a 10$ discount on the analysis (order directly, most major credit cards accepted)

3. download the two scientific dossiers “Is The Spike Protein the Boogie Man?” and “The Pathways of Transmission of the Covid19 Vaccine and mRNA” for free. After reading these white papers from Impact Health, you will probably change your mind about Covid19 vaccines and spike proteins

Request your INFO now at:

I wish you good health with all my heart!

Erwin Annau