Newsletter 68 – Break out of the matrix – We, the founders remain, title, your own project in EPV

Dear El Paraiso Verde fans,

NOW is the time to join us. The next few months will be “challenging” worldwide.

Winning an election does not mean that everything is fine now……

Nobody knows how much longer you will be able to “get out” and how much longer money can be transferred from one country to another.

Find out now what El Paraiso Verde can offer you and your family.

Don’t just think, but see and think for yourself!

Christmas specials

Come to the info week, take advantage of our Christmas offer and stay for two weeks after the info week for the price of one week:

El Paraiso Verde is a safe “country” with 14.23 km2, enough to provide a self-sufficient place to live for thousands of people. Paraiso Verde is best solution worldwide at a time when only a few can imagine a future in the old world (the Woke-Broke-Trans-Vaxx Matrix).

It’s not just us saying this, but also the AI, the artificial intelligence. Here’s the question and here are the answers:

“If you were a human, how would you break out of the matrix –

in ONE paragraph.”




Is EL PARAISO Verde something for you? AI – QUESTION and ANSWER

The AI answers exactly with everything we have created here at El Paraiso Verde:

“If I were a human, the escape from the matrix would start with me

  1. questioning every narrative fed by mainstream systems, media, education, government and large corporations.
  2. I would reconnect with nature
  3. I would seek knowledge from alternative, often suppressed sources and
  4. focus on natural, holistic health to achieve physical and mental clarity.
  5. I would build a self-sufficient lifestyle, grow my own food, and
  6. build deep, meaningful relationships with like-minded people who are also seeking the truth, and most of all,
  7. I would reject fear-based control and embrace consciousness, love and freedom as the ultimate keys to liberation.

“What about you? How would you break out?”

Come and form your own opinion

No, I am not retiring….

Once again, the rumor mill wants to spoil your life of peace and freedom…. This time with the rumor that I would be gone from my 70th birthday and would leave El Paraiso Verde to its destiny.

This is for clarification: We have founded El Paraiso Verde and we are here to stay. We have created a place where people with heart and soul will end the worldwide matrix by setting an example of a life in peace and freedom through responsibility and initiative, regardless of origin, ideology or religion.

If the example of El Paraiso Verde is copied worldwide, it will mean the end of war, crime, envy, hatred and resentment.

We will stay until El Paraiso Verde is completed and beyond. We will ensure that

  1. ….the plan of El Paraiso Verde is implemented (most of it is already finished and can be seen from outer space)
  2. …..independent of us founders, Paraiso Verde will become an autonomous community with a constitution that will endure for many generations.
  3. …..many new settlers from all over the world with their families will be able to create their new home here.

We, the founders, do not aspire to any function or office in the gated community (Barrio Cerrado) Paraiso Verde. We want the settlers to govern themselves.

This is your chance to contribute to the creation of this unique, international community. Come soon!

We, the founders, will fulfill our vision of El Paraiso Verde.



You never get a title at El Paraiso Verde – true or false?

We are dispelling one of the oldest rumors spread by envious people and naysayers: “You’ll see, you’ll never get a title…”

In the national land registry of Paraguay, there are currently (November 2024) 1711 titles for the Paraiso Verde project, which can be transferred to buyers at any time. About 200 titles have already been transferred and registered in the electronic land registry. Many owners already have their physical title in hand.

We have guided the largest settlement project in South America through all the challenges and created a framework in which 4,000 to 6,000 people can create the work of art of their own lives.

It is now possible to purchase a property in El Paraiso Verde even from abroad and without traveling to Paraguay. You can get a title for a property in El Paraiso Verde. Write to us at

And of course we can build you a house. You don’t need to be on site for this.

The message to all those who are planning a “project”

Many of you wanted to start a project abroad yourselves. Some of you already have a group of people who want to go with you.

My message to all those who want to start a project NOW, and to all those who believe they can create a project out of nothing: It’s very difficult and probably not fast enough…

The much easier and faster solution for all groups that want to emigrate together and create their own community:

Come to Paraiso Verde, become part of our large community, buy your land with secured titles within the secure condominium of Paraiso Verde, create your own community and use the huge recreational area and our infrastructure built over 8 years.






In the P.S. I have uploaded the Robert Stein interview from December 2016. It’s amazing when you look at it today, 8 years later……

Our vision is becoming more and more a reality every day: peace, harmony in the green paradise.

With Love,

Erwin Annau


Robert Stein – Illegal immegracion, a threat to the German (and every one elses) values –Re-Upload



COLD SHIVERS run down your spine during the interview with Robert Stein. That was in December 2016. The topic of migration is more relevant than ever. All the predictions have (unfortunately) come true. The word “conspiracy theory” seems to be just another term for “truth”.

I talked about a topic that is now, after the 4th Caliphate demonstration in Hamburg, becoming a taboo topic. The silent majority has finally been silenced. I said very clearly in December 2016: “Germany has a maximum of 3 years to turn everything around. Then it will be too late and Germany will be lost.”

Nothing has changed since 2016, it has only gotten worse. Back then, for example, there were hardly any knife attacks that are now commonplace.

I speak openly about the following topics.

What is really in the Koran?

Why is there always a war when a group of people believe they are the “master race”?

What impact does Islamization have on Germany?

Germany is financing its own genocide: every government has the task of securing the external borders and maintaining order internally.

Germany is abolishing itself. No right and no left, only the do-gooders, multi-cultural Schicki Miki have the say and everyone has to eat the soup.

Dr. Schachtschneider, a constitutional expert, suggested at the time: “Every religion should be checked for compliance with the constitution.

Man could have solved the refugee problem within a year. Today the chance is gone.

In the 21st century, the German is no longer the ‘blonde, blue-eyed’ man.

Germany WAS a community of values. Freedom, solidarity, friendship, compassion, honesty, trustworthiness, responsibility, reliability.

Is this still German? These values should transcend all religions.

The basic values of Paraiso Verde are set out in the life principles ( Although many things in El Paraiso Verde turned out differently than originally planned, the goal of creating a community based on the principle of natural law was achieved in Paraiso Verde.