El Paraiso Verde: The community with the highest C19 safety standard – worldwide!
Science has provided groundbreaking new findings that invalidate the previous division into “unvaccinated” and “vaccinated” as no longer scientifically tenable.
The bad news:
Many “unvaccinated” people have suffered “mild vaccine damage” (DNA/RNA disorders) despite refusing vaccination. No wonder: tests with “nose picking”, proximity to recently vaccinated people, transmission through exchange of body fluids, chemtrails, poisoned food….
The good news in the bad news:
This mild damage to DNA/RNA can always be repaired using natural methods. You just have to DO it consistently, then it’s not even difficult.
And the success of repairing this damage is measurable and can be scientifically determined.
More good news:
(a) Many more people vaccinated once received a placebo than we previously thought. In some countries, up to 30% of vaccinations were placebos.
The chance of being “unvaccinated” among the once vaccinated is greater than previously thought. Hence the statement by many vaccinated people that they feel no side effects.
In addition, more doctors than assumed have replaced the vaccinations with saline and vitamin solutions and injected them because they could not ethically justify the vaccination with the ingredients offered.
Of course, they didn’t talk about it……
Based on the tests now made available by science, the 4 most commonly used vaccines can be shown to damage or disrupt DNA/RNA. This finding is independent of the number of vaccinations.
As of today, we will only differentiate between:
Ø NO RNA/DNA damage
Ø slight (always repairable) vaccine damage or DNA interruptions and
Ø severe vaccine damage to the DNA/RNA.
Severe vaccine damage can be mitigated by natural methods and improved to mild vaccine damage. Until recently, it was not possible to completely eliminate severe vaccine damage. However, recent findings suggest that this is possible.
a) Vaccines have been produced in different strengths – from placebo to highly toxic injections. If you still have your vaccination record, you should be able to find the Diener vaccination batch number in it.
YOU can locate your vaccine batches on the website www.howbadismybatch.com and find out what toxic strength it was administered in.
This information is helpful for us in eliminating the toxins.
We have chosen to partner with a specialized laboratory and research company that provides Covid19 vaccine residue analysis. This company certifies blood donations in all 50 states in the US and 55 countries worldwide. They are the standard to which everyone in this field must adhere.
Not only that, their blood tests help diagnose problems in all organs and hormones and detect food allergies.
Write to us if you want to know more or if you want to know whether you can also come to the EPV with a vaccination info@paraiso-verde.com
We will send you the links to the website, to the order form for the analysis and to an interesting lecture in which it is explained in detail why even unvaccinated people are affected by transmission but not by so-called shedding. Very interesting….
How do you know if you are eligible for El Paraiso Verde?
Based on a test:
GREEN: People who are NOT affected and not RNA/DNA damaged (whether vaccinated or not) can therefore become settlers. Vaccinated people take a simple dry blood test (just a few drops of blood) and we have the level of damage determined.
We recommend everyone, including the unvaccinated, to do the analysis because it is always good to know if you have been affected or exposed to transmission.
YELLOW: Slightly damaged people (DNA/RNA disorder) can become settlers as soon as they have successfully eliminated the toxins by natural means.
This usually takes 1-8 months. After successful elimination has been determined by a control test (GREEN) at the end of the detoxification treatment, an application for admission to El Paraiso Verde as a settler can be submitted.
So far, all “YELLOWS” have been repaired. The “YELLOWS” can participate in the information week and live in the EPV as soon as they have started their detoxification program.
IMPORTANT: The “YELLOWS” DO NOT TRANSFER spike proteins, vaccine substances or similar.
RED: Based on current science, severely vaccine-damaged people cannot currently become settlers because of the transmission risks to the community, but they can significantly reduce their vaccine damage and alleviate many symptoms of vaccine damage through the detox offered.
As the treatments have only been running for about a year, we can report that “RED” patients have been brought to “YELLOW”, but not yet to GREEN. However, this means that as soon as they are “YELLOW”, they can be guests.
Vaccinated people can therefore contact us immediately. We will then tell you if and how you can find a new home at El Paraiso Verde despite being vaccinated.
With the analysis and detoxification program, El Paraiso Verde has
a) raised the health standard for the community through the analysis
b) the scientific method to truly differentiate between the healthy, those with disorders in RNA/DNA (who excrete nothing) and the severely impaired who should be very interested in improving their health to avoid a sudden breakdown of vital bodily functions.
No more guesswork. No more “we’ll take your word for it”.
We will be the (scientifically proven) only mRNA-free community in the world.
Important note on the spiritual aspect of vaccination and the physical cleansing that is now possible:
El Paraiso Verde is the ideal place to heal the dissonance (disturbance) of frequency caused by RNA/DNA damage between body and soul, or whatever you want to call it (light body, etheric body, soul, higher self, eternal consciousness….). Body and soul can be brought back into alignment and harmony in EPV.
DNA is the most incredible and amazing “antenna” to the higher consciousness, to the higher self, to God (whatever the right term is for you), and this antenna has been disrupted, misaligned and damaged by these toxins.
Now everything can be healed again.
Why come to El Paraiso Verde and live here?
First concert on our Blüthner concert grand piano…
Friendship, love and spiritual awakening are the only 3 important “things” in life that count. At El Paraiso Verde you will find them like you won’t find them anywhere else.
We look forward to welcoming you.
Contact us now: info@paraiso-verde.com
All the best,
Erwin Annau