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Q&A – About El Paraiso Verde Rumors



Rumors about the magic El Paraiso Verde in Paraguay

Rumors have their tradition in Paraguay. Paraguayans like to tell rumors about someone else, but harmless rumors to tease someone. When the rumor is revealed, there is a lot of laughter.

But people who have emigrated to Paraguay have their problems with this. They have a strong tendency to believe the rumors and are happy to spread them in order to make themselves appear important or to give the impression that they are well informed and know everything about Paraguay. Others use the tradition of rumors in Paraguay to harm the competition financially and reputationally.

Rumors naturally arise from time to time in a community. You know this from your childhood with the game “Silent Post”. A spoken sentence is passed on and in the third or fourth person an assumption quickly becomes a “fact”. Rumors have a bad side and a good side. The bad side is that they can unsettle settlers or cause discord, but the good side is that settlers who live with their hearts in the community are never deterred by rumors. This makes it clear who lives in El Paraiso Verde with their hearts and who doesn’t.

Below are some of the rumors that were already making the rounds about El Paraiso Verde…

On some websites you can read a lot of criticism about El Paraiso Verde. How come?

This usually has the following reasons:

Competitiveness: El Paraiso Verde is the largest settlement project in South America and also brings the most immigrants to Paraguay. Most of the criticism therefore comes from other immigration helpers and real estate agents in this country who see El Paraiso Verde as competition and deliberately spread rumors on the Internet so that people do not use our service for immigrants. They even create chat groups on Telegram or Facebook to specifically harm El Paraiso Verde. These are organized chat groups, some of which are handsomely rewarded by the competition. These are sometimes harmless or completely absurd rumors (see below), but also very bad ones. The settlers successfully lured away by this tactic are mostly to be found in the town of Indepedencia, as this is where the main hub of competing estate agents operates. We therefore recommend that you always form your own personal opinion in El Paraiso Verde. We therefore recommend that you always form your own personal opinion on site. You can rent a place for a few weeks and then assess the situation yourself.

Headhunting: In addition, El Paraiso Verde in Paraguay is the only one to have an extensive compliance company that enables prospective settlers to transfer larger financial holdings to Paraguay. All the other immigration agents and real estate agents can’t do this. This not only leads to envy, but also to attempts to specifically poach settlers from El Paraiso Verde using ruthless tricks in order to get their hands on their successfully transferred assets. Former settlers and other German-speaking immigrants in Paraguay who act extremely covertly (!) are sometimes even rewarded handsomely if they damage El Paraiso Verde and/or successfully poach settlers or receive up to 10% commission if settlers from the El Paraiso Verde can be poached and buy land or a house somewhere else. Therefore, you should always be suspicious if you hear negative rumors about El Paraiso Verde from a person in Paraguay.

Exclusions from settlers: In addition, El Paraiso Verde does not randomly accept every settler who wants to settle here and some were asked to leave as quickly as possible. This often leads to backlash and the former or rejected settlers then speak badly about the project. Despite all this, El Paraiso Verde is committed to maintaining the peace, security and community of all settlers living here. This requires a certain selection, which is simply unavoidable. This problem can also be found, for example, in the oldest colony in Paraguay: the Mennonites.

Condominium Contract: Other settlers were asked to leave El Paraiso Verde because their behavior threatened the settlers’ peaceful life and thus violated the principles of life (see condominium contract). El Paraiso Verde, in agreement with the settlers living there, does not accept violence, threats of violence, proselytizing, badmouthing the project (to protect the families’ investments), slander or spreading harmful rumors. This has happened again and again due to the above points and it can be assumed that these former settlers who were asked to leave then speak negatively about us.

Mainstream press and Deep State: El Paraiso Verde is not a good friend to the mainstream media and the Deep State because a) El Paraiso Verde is the only Corona control group in the world (along with the Amish People), which proves that the Corona story is completely different than claimed, and b) that El Paraiso Verde has its legitimate doubts when it comes to the plandemics, climate stories, gendering, genetic vaccinations and other propaganda of the “Democrats”. For this reason, the mainstream media hardly has a good look at our project. The mainstream media repeatedly tries to gain access to El Paraiso Verde using the most sophisticated tricks. But we won’t let them in. Sometimes media television stations also send dedicated personnel with code names and criminal pasts to us (e.g. from ARD, ARTE TV, SWR, etc.) who are tasked with reporting everything negatively. In the alternative media, however, you can almost only find good reviews about us (see below). Not to mention the locals who love our project and are literally fighting for a job at El Paraiso Verde.

Does El Paraiso Verde really exist or does it only exist on paper?

Yes, the El Paraiso Verde settler project does really exist. Unfortunately, rumors often have more power than the truth for a short time, but in the long run, the truth always wins out. El Paraiso Verde currently has about 250 settlers and over 120 Paraguayan employees and has already built more than hundred houses and offers 1,711 plots for sale, many of which have already been sold. It is now even more beautiful than on the videos of El Paraiso Verde on Youtube.

In El Paraiso Verde, you don’t really own the property. Is that right?

After a probationary period of about 9 months, you will get a title for your property. This is how many colonies in Paraguay do it to ensure community cohesion. It’s like a probationary period, if you will.

On some websites you read a lot of criticism about El Paraiso Verde. Why?

El Paraiso Verde is the largest settlement project in South America and also brings the most immigrants to Paraguay. Most of the criticism comes from other immigration workers and Real Estate Agents who see El Paraiso Verde as huge competition and spread rumors so that people do not use our service for immigrants. In addition, El Paraiso Verde does not indiscriminately accept every settler who wants to settle here and some has been asked to leave. This sometimes leads to backlash. Despite all of this, El Paraiso Verde is committed to fostering peace and community. This requires a certain amount of choice.

Is it true that at the airport, competing real estate agents or people hired by them sometimes try to poach settlers who want to go to El Paraiso Verde?

Yes, unfortunately that is true. Sometimes interested people arrive at the airport who want to go to El Paraiso Verde and then ominous figures appear who badmouth El Paraiso Verde so that they don’t go to us. Behind them are paid speakers sent by competing real estate agents who receive a 15% profit share if they are successful. Even today, some people interested in El Paraiso Verde have been lured away in this way and have then invested in unsafe projects. We strongly advise against listening to these people and ignoring them.

Are there other websites or articles that write positively about El Paraiso Verde?

Yes, there are. See: Siehe: Robert Steins Steinzeit TVThe Wandering InvestorRitas WebseiteMatrixbloggerDie UnbestechlichenDie neue ZeitConnektarSebastain Zehner – TransformierLiebe das Ganze BlogLichtnahrung 2015LanacionBleib Froh und GesundParaguay Nachrichten and others… (use Google Chrome for automatic translation).

Is it true that you have a lot of Youtubers living here?

Yes, that’s true. Several Youtubers live here, i.e. people who make videos on YouTube and are quite successful. They like to call them “the celebrities” here. They include Peter Freiherr von Liechtenstein, the Matrixxers, Infinite Realities and others. The well-known Dutchman “Mordechai Krispijn” and the “Wandering Investor” have also been here at El Paraiso Verde and can boast thousands of Viedo views.

Is it true that from Germany and many other countries now tens of thousands immigrate to Paraguay?

Yes, it is true. In 2015, there were e.g. about 150,000 people who preferred Paraguay to Germany. From an internal source we have learned that now 20 times as many applications have been filed in 2021 – and that just in Germany to emigrate to Paraguay. According to statistics, there were almost one million emigrants to Paraguay in 2020, but we can assume that the numbers are even higher.

Is it true that only Pensioners live in El Paraiso Verde?

No, that is not the case. Every age group is represented in El Paraiso Verde, i.e. from 1 year old to 84 years old. Children and teenagers make up about 20%. The most common are families with children.

We hear that settlers can be excluded from the EPV. Is this true and will they then lose their homes?

To date, not a single settler has been expelled from the CONDOMINIUM or from the settler community (the community of co-owners). Therefore, no one has been “dispossessed” of their land or house. So far, FOUR settlers have been excluded from the common area in the 7 years due to proven damaging actions (damage approx. USD 2 million). This is NOT part of the condominium. It is private property.

If someone were actually excluded from the CONDOMINIUM (from the condominium through an unprecedented exclusion procedure), this does not mean that the settler’s property or house or land would be taken away. Everyone in the condominium has the right to drive to their lot and live in their home. The community facilities are only for those who live according to the community’s living principles. It is interesting to note that we have offered the hand of reconciliation and our time for a conversation to all settlers excluded from the communal facilities on several occasions, but this offer has not been taken up.

The Mainstream Media wrote that more than 3.000 settlers live in El Paraiso Verde. Is this true?

No, this is not true. As always the mainstream media researched badly. In El Paraiso Verde live maybe around 250 settlers.

Is it true that thousands of settlers live in El Paraiso Verde? This is what the press has written.

At the moment there are about 250 settlers from different countries of the world living in El Paraiso Verde (3/2023). Obviously, something very special must be happening in El Paraiso Verde that the magazines and newspapers that Bill Gates sponsors are trying to warm up all these rumors. But as it looks, unsuccessfully, because the website of El Paraiso Verde is getting more and more hits, well over 1000% since September 2021.

Is it true that you actually get more and more hits on your videos and website because of the negative publicity about you?

Views on Youtube

Oh yes, that’s correct. At first we thought it was a shame that some ex-settlers were attacking us on the Internet or giving us bad publicity for competing real estate agents, but things have somehow turned around in the meantime. Since the attacks and negative reports in the mainstream media, we have had 6 times as many hits on our videos and website as before. Apparently the saying is true: “Advertising is advertising, whether positive or negative.”

Is it true that the Paraguayan Government is annoyed with El Paraiso Verde because so many immigrants come here?

We don’t know if this applies to all German emigrants, but El Paraiso Verde is very well respected by the Paraguayan government because so many Paraguayans are given work here and we also sort out the settlers well. Also the politicians have extended the duration of the criminal record from 3 to 6 months to make it easier to immigrate to Paraguay.

Is it true that only gurus and spirituals live in El Paraiso Verde and everyone tries to convince the others of their belief system?

No, you can believe what you want here. Also, it is not allowed to harass others with one’s own belief system or to convince someone of it under pressure and is a breach to our condominium contract. There is no proselytizing here. In El Paraiso Verde live largely politically awakened people. Maybe 20% of the settlers are also interested in spiritual and philosophical topics.

El Paraiso Verde is home only to swindlers, Reichsbürger, antivaxxers, right-wingers, Corona deniers, and so on. Is that true?

No, it isn’t. All kinds of people live in El Paraiso Verde. But they have recognized that Corona is the common flu. You can see this in any statistic that compares “Corona” to the flu. This also has been confirmed by the CDC meanwhile.

We are not antivaxxers either, but advocates of the right of choice over the substances someone gets into their body. Everyone needs to do their own research on whether they want to get the vaccinations currently offered. The integrity of one’s body and the free choice of treatment are enshrined in the Constitution of Paraguay and they are a human right. Therefore, we are against any compulsion to vaccinate – directly, indirectly or through bullying.

We also have nothing to do with the right, the left, religions or worldviews. We reject every racism from deepest conviction. This has already been made clear X times and does not need to be reported again. Whoever wants to spread right-wing and left-wing extremist ideas and whoever practices religious intolerance (no matter what religion or ideology) or wants to proselytize others, will not stay at El Paraiso Verde.

All of the above are terms that the mainstream media have devised to defame people who oppose the Corona policy, house arrests, and indirect coercive inoculations. In El Paraiso Verde there are many ordinary families who care about peace and happiness. They are like you and me and long for a small paradise where they can live self-determined and free, without multiple taxation, high unjustified prices, massive laws where everyone can only be punished in some way, regulations and mass manipulation by the press, that one can only look to move to a country with more freedoms.

In El Paraiso Verde everyone has Corona? Is that true?

No, that is also a rumor. Here, with a crowd of about 400 people, not one case is known – although no one wears a mask and a hug and sometimes even with a kiss on the left and on the right cheek is standard.

One or two newspapers said that the military goes in and out of your country to vaccinate everyone and that vaccine refusers are reported to the Paraguayan Ministry of Health. Is that true?

No, this is an attempt via mainstream media to stem the great wave of emigration from any country to Paraguay. Also, the Paraguayan Ministry of Health has publicly stated that such articles are misinformation.

It has been written in the German media that compulsory vaccination will soon be enforced in Paraguay. Is this true?

No, that is also a rumor. The constitution in Paraguay explicitly states that every person is free to choose the type of medical treatment he or she receives and may not be forced to undergo vaccination or any other medical or medical treatment.

Is it true that Paraguayans are a very rebellious people?

Yes, it is true. New legislation on the so-called corona measures are only recommendations for Paraguayans. And if the Paraguayans don’t like something that the government thinks should be laid down, there can be a lot of demos, with mollotov cocktails sometimes being thrown at Parliament. Even a lockdown is only of very short duration and still the stores remain open. Even the policemen do not wear their masks over their noses, if they wear them at all. Also, Paraguay is very large and measures can only be reasonably enforced in the big cities due to the small government staff.

Is El Paraiso Verde a haven for Nazis?

No, in El Paraiso Verde live normal people. They are politically awake, but follow no political direction. There exist no right or left, the settlers think by themselves.

So, a community in Paraguay… that somehow sounds like a cult or sect?!

No, not at all, because an immigrant joining a community or colony has a centuries-long tradition in Paraguay. There are many colonies in Paraguay that you can join and live there. It is completely common to join such colonies. These colonies are mostly country or topic specific. There is a Bavarian colony, a Russian one, a Japanese one, an American one, a Polish one, some Christian ones and many others like that. El Paraiso Verde is a community for politically and/or spiritually awakened people.

In any case, we reject any form of “sect formation”. Anyone can believe whatever they want, except for the clarification below regarding the people we do NOT want. The founders will never and do not want to position themselves as leaders or gurus or accept such here. They are completely normal people who have taken on the task of preparing the playing field so that every settler can fulfill their dream of owning their own house with a self-sufficient garden. So everyone involved has to play themselves. However, the board of El Paraiso Verde will clearly not allow people who belong to a world conquest religion or a comparable ideology or world view or who try to proselytize the settlers in any way to participate in the community .

At El Paraiso Verde, you don’t get a title for your property

No, that used to be the case and is no longer true. In 2023, the founders registered over 1,700 plots of land in the cadastre and thus applied for a title for each settler. This amount of titles has caused many problems, as the offices in Paraguay are very cozy. However, you only receive a title after 9 months at the earliest. We consider this to be the minimum period of a kind of trial period to find out whether you are a person who likes living in a community or not.

The lots in El Paraiso Verde are swampland, I heard?

When the El Paraiso Verde project was founded and built in 2016, some parts of the land was under water after a heavy rain. However, just 2-3 years later everything was drained, dams were built, a huge ditch has been built around the whole land and perfectly built up with rivers and lakes. For many years now, the land has been perfectly set up and is dry. Therefore, this rumor has been completely outdated for years and still belonged to the pioneer era.

Do really ingenious inventors, high-grade scientists, clairvoyants, telepaths etc. live in El Paraiso Verde?

Nikola Tesla doesn’t exactly live in El Paraiso Verde now, but certainly some resourceful minds have come together here and one or the other discovery or invention has already been made, which could already revolutionize the world. El Paraiso Verde is already a great Eureka. And yes, also people with paranormal abilities exist here.

Someone once told me that you can be bugged in El Paraiso Verde, is that true?

No, that is not true either. We once had a very paranoid settler here who was looking for microphones under the tables in the café because she couldn’t explain how we could knew she was trying to poach other settlers. When she left, she then spreads such a rumor in Paraguay at every opportunity. In fact, however, due to years of experience, in encounters with the most diverse settlers, we know here how some think and can therefore be well assessed by us. We always laughed about this and has been a running joke for some time. This individual case demonstrates very well how quickly rumors about El Paraiso Verde can arise.

I found a video on the Internet of a former settler who said that you don’t get your money back. Is this true?

In every country in the world, you are responsible for selling your own land or house by your own if you do not want to keep it. You can’t go to the previous owner and demand to buy the land back. But as a gesture of goodwill, the Reljuv company even offers this, that in some cases they buy back the land at a certain price, although they are not obliged to do so. Also, such a settler is not obligated to have Reljuv buy back his land, you can also indicate an interested party who will then apply to be a settler and thus offer the land at whatever price you want. There are also contracts for everything you can invest in as a settler. No one is forced to sign a contract that has a duration of 2 years and then you should stick to this period.

I’ve seen a video of a certain Mike Mason claiming that El Paraiso Verde is a slave camp and totally gets nuts. What’s going on there?

Yes, it reads like a thriller. Take a look:

Here you can find our information on the Mike Mason case: PDF Mike Mason.

Here you can find our website for the present cases: LINK

Is El Paraiso Verde led by Scientologists?

No, this rumor arose because the founder Erwin Annau once spent some time with the Scientologists 24 years ago when he had set out to test out many religions and communities. He left the Scientologists 24 years ago and today he is a great critic of this sect.

Are there really German imperial flags at El Paraiso Verde, as is claimed in the German press?

No, there are no flags here at all, at most a Paraguayan flag, if at all.

Is it true that someone on the Reljuv board has embezzled funds?

Yes, unfortunately that is true. The former president of Reljuv has embezzled many million of dollars. We have started a criminal complaint against him. For more look here: LINK.

You can watch a video about this whole incident HERE. Everything is explained there!

Is there really an underground base under your huge Lake Ypi?

No, that’s just a rumor. Lake Ypi is so big that you can sail a boat on it, and it’s also a popular swimming spot. Such rumors demonstrate that there exist a lot of rumors about a place with a new concept and a new living.

Does Angela Merkel really have a plot of land in El Paraiso Verde and want to retire there after her escape from Germany?

No, fortunately this is also only a rumor.

Does ex-President Bush really plan to move to the same property with Angela Merkel in Paraguay?

We do not know whether Angela Merkel or ex-President Bush really have a property in Paraguay, but certainly not in El Paraiso Verde.

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