Immigrate to Paraguay

Immigrate to Paraguay is all you need

Immigrate to Paraguay has become one of the most popular immigration destinations for English and German speakers. Mostly this is due to the politics that currently prevail in Europe, England, USA, Australia and many more countries. It is the same with the rapidly rising costs of electricity and gas. And more and more people are seriously thinking about immigration.

This is quite understandable, since these countries are now considered countries for the rich with a lot of vitamin B. Paraguay, on the other hand, has a very low cost of living and freedom is still very important and existent.

For this reason, the immigration to Paraguay has become an excellent option, not only because of the low energy prices, but also fiscally. After all, Paraguay has no foreign tax laws. If you continue to draw your earnings from another country, you will live tax-free in Paraguay. And even if you work in Paraguay, you only have to pay 10% income tax. This is many times more favorable than in German speaking countries and Europe in general.

Courage to Immigrate to Paraguay

Many people do not dare to simply pack their bags and immigrate. What is the reason for this? In our opinion, it is due to too little information. We not only provide all the necessary information, but we offer an all-inclusive package for immigrate to Paraguay. In this way, immigrate with us becomes a pleasant and relaxing journey. Yes, even if you want to come alone, no matter if you are a man or a woman.

Paraguay citizenship required? We offer everything for immigrate to Paraguay…

  • A personal guide.
  • Information about the necessary documents for immigrate to Paraguay.
  • We take care of all the transportation for the immigration.
  • We pick you up from the airport and bring you to El Paraiso Verde.
  • We will provide you with an apartment or rooms and 3 meals a day.
  • We will translate your documents into Spanish.
  • Residency in Paraguay? We also offer you a plot of land that you can buy.
  • We also apply for immigration to Paraguay for you.
  • We organize a big barbecue (Asado) for you and your whole family and fellow travelers.
  • We also offer you an information week, where you will get the basic knowledge about Paraguay and will be informed about all steps in detail. We also answer all your questions and look for the best solutions.
  • We make sure that you can pull your finances out of Europe and offer you the best options. Of course, you decide how to proceed from there.
  • All administrative procedures are organized by us, you just have to go along.
  • Paraguay citizenship required? We also take care of the application for the Permanent Residence permit and the Cedula.

Immigrate to Paraguay has never been easier than now. For this reason you are welcome to contact us without any obligation. Simply write to us and receive a free consultation. Click on contact.

Do you no longer feel “at home” at home?

  • Do you feel growing uneasiness about the preferential treatment of millions of economic refugees, about foreign infiltration and about the loss of our homeland, our culture and our values?
  • Are you skeptical about the multi-culti culture of welcome, the ever-increasing repression by taxes and authorities, and the disenfranchisement by the bureaucracy-regulation mania?
  • Are you worried about losing your wealth in a crash or through rising inflation?
  • Do you fear the collapse of the social systems and the domestic order in your country?

Then come to us in “El Paradiso Verde” in our “Green Paradise”.

Do you have a SEEKING for FREEDOM?

We have not put our focus on these worries, but on THE SOLUTION.

You can enjoy a life of freedom. NOW – or whenever you prefer to retire from UK, USA, Australia or elsewhere.

Emigrants to Paraguay become more and more

…More and more Germans, Swiss, Austrians, English, Australians and Americans are turning their backs on what is left of our homeland. They are planning to immigrate to Paraguay.

These are people who have bid adieu to their homeland and the homeland of their ancestors forever to seek a new, a more successful, a freer and an easier life elsewhere on this beautiful planet.

These are people who have said goodbye to their homeland and the homeland of their ancestors forever to seek a new, a more successful, a freer and an easier life elsewhere on this beautiful planet.

The immigration trend from UK, USA, Australia or elsewhere is strongly increasing.

Many of the emigrants have an academic degree, a large part are self-employed entrepreneurs, who no longer see a future in the current developments in the western world. Currently we are experiencing the largest “brain drain”, the largest exodus of the most capable, proficient and intelligent fellow citizens in history.

Every single person who has made the inner decision to leave his country has emerged in recent years, the first question they ask themselves is, “WHERE TO?”

We have been asking ourselves this question for four years, checking, comparing and also personally looking at some countries. It was a long checklist of facts that had to be compared, information from the internet had to be questioned and corrected and in the end we also looked at the shortlist in person.

In the end, after 4 years we were left with a country where the chances for a successful, but also relaxing and healthy life are the highest and the risks are the lowest.

Immigrate to Paraguay – Immigration as an Alternative

Paraguay is located in the heart of South America. With a total area of 406,752 km² it is as large as Germany, Switzerland and Liechtenstein together. The low population density of 7 million inhabitants, offers enough space to grow – economically, socially and spiritually.

Paraguay has a stable democracy of young people. More than 70% of the population is younger than 35 years. The population is very friendly (there are studies that Paraguayans are said to be the most fun-loving people in the world), open-minded and eager to learn.

  • Many international companies have chosen Paraguay as a central location for their South American operations, but also because of the enormous tax advantages for their international business.
  • Paraguay offers companies a guaranteed free flow of capital and profit transfer. There has been an investment protection agreement between Paraguay and Germany for many years.
  • The economic growth in Paraguay is stable at just under 4% per year and inflation is very low (about 5%) compared to other countries in the region.
  • Paraguay is characterized by high productivity, but low labor costs.
  • Coupled with very low taxes, these factors allowed, for example, in 2013 over 22% return on capital brought into the country by foreign investors.
  • Paraguay has been awarded several times for having the best investment climate in South America.

In a word, those who come to Paraguay are always welcome and those who put their knowledge and diligence to work in Paraguay will be prosperous, perhaps wealthy, within a short period of time.

On this website we will analyze the individual factors that speak for Paraguay and present our own project in Paraguay – “El Paraiso Verde” – the Green Paradise. On an area of 16 square kilometers we offer people from Europe (mainly Germans and Austrians) space for their personal growth in every respect: economically, culturally, health-wise, spiritually, socially…

Paraguay is a country of opportunities, a country where German and English speaking have already found their new home and where you will greet many more compatriots with “Grüß Gott” or “Hi Guys” in Paraguay.

Immigrate to Paraguay? Yes or No?

In our long lasting effort to offer our clients the greatest possible freedom from the “matrix” (authorities, tax office, taxes, bureaucracy, “disease medicine”), we wanted above all to find a place where we can realize all our goals.

No one MUST immigrate, everyone CAN immigrate when she or he sees fit. The laws of Paraguay allow one to obtain a permanent residency permit as soon as possible.

Unlike virtually every other country in the world, you are not required to relocate within a certain period of time. Therefore, many of our investors have obtained immigration papers and stay in Europe as long as they feel safe there.

Big advantage: once the borders are closed in your country, the borders in all other countries of the world are also closed. In this case, you can officially walk past all the refugee lines in Paraguay and get through passport control as a “resident” to your new home. This is the optimal plan B.

An investment in the country and a permanent residence permit in Paraguay are therefore essential if the security of the family is to be guaranteed in the sign of the progressive disintegrating society in UK, USA, Australia or elsewhere.

Living in Peace and Freedom

After 4 years of intensive research we have found a safe place for you to immigrate to Paraguay in a Christian and democratic country – Paraguay, in the heart of South America.

El Paraiso Verde is located in the southern part of Paraguay, about 130 km southeast of the capital Asuncion. The next bigger city is the university town Villarrica with 70.000 inhabitants, 4 universities and a university hospital.

In an independent community we can offer you the realization of your life dream – living in freedom.

On about 1423 hectares (14.23 km²), mainly Germans, Swiss, Austrians, Australians, English and Americans are building a new home to show that you can become very successful and live happily without tax repression, over foreignization and bureaucracy.

  • Paraguay offers you a democratic state with Christian basic values, such as respect, tolerance, freedom of belief, equality…
  • Members of religions whose beliefs involve contempt or persecution of those of other faiths are not allowed to enter Paraguay. They are therefore safe.
  • Paraguay offers a comparatively low tax burden (10% income tax, 10% corporate tax, 10% sales tax). This tax burden is bearable and fair for everyone. It can be reduced by our team of tax experts by applying international tax laws under certain circumstances. More details on this in an individual consultation.
  • In our independent community we make our own rules within the framework of the law of reason. In principle, everything is permitted that does not harm others or curtail their rights.

The key points for Immigrate to Paraguay…

  • Your Permanent Residence Permit in Paraguay entitles you to move and stay in Paraguay for life. (In practically all other countries of the world you will lose your residence permit if you do not relocate within 1-2 years).
  • You can stay in your country, if you wish, as long as it suits your needs and sense of security.
  • We supply a place of retreat in case the situation in Europe escalates. “Better to HAVE than to need.”
  • Our virgin forest that exists here is 100% preserved and available for recreational use by the residents of Paraiso Verde.
  • The reforestation is done according to the principles of permaculture.
  • We have also reserved a beautiful park for the common use of all residents. In this parkland we will create places for you to meet and interact with other residents and guests of Paraiso Verde.
  • Other common areas will be set up by the lake and in the village to make you feel at home.
  • We already have a good infrastructure. We have a supermarket, café, bakery, restaurant, health center, commercial center, hardware store, room complex, apartment buildings and are currently building a large park with many recreational activities.
  • In addition to several smaller lakes, there is also a large swimming lake, which is open to the public as well as offering plots with their own lake access. Also fishing is license free and allowed at any time.
  • Developed plots are successively offered for purchase. You can build your “dream home” on these lots without restrictions. We have an offer of 1,600 lots in all classes.
  • Since in Paraguay “everything grows” and we have up to 3-4 harvests a year, you can be self-sufficient with a small garden (about 100 m2 per person).
  • You can lead your life with us largely self-sufficient and focus on the essential things – their health and personal growth or simply on a life of freedom and joy.
  • As an investor, you will have the opportunity – in the order of your investment – to choose and purchase additional plots of land when they are released.
  • The increase in value of land in Paraguay over the last 3 years has been approximately 100%. So the sooner investments are made here, the greater the return.
  • We will gladly inform you about further investment possibilities in a non-binding and personal conversation.
  • Also for work is provided. We still need many skilled workers from all sectors: Engineers, builders, farmers, computer specialists, teachers, doctors, nurses, managers, and many more.

We, Erwin and Sylvia, and meanwhile about 250 settlers have decided when immigrate to Paraguay to move and build a safe independent, free and autonomous community. Security in freedom for each settler, for their children and descendants. This concern was very important to us and immigrate to Paraguay has been the only option for us and we do not regret a single day having made this decision.

We are looking forward to talk with you.

Use our Contact Form for your request

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