Innovative technology in EPV – the “digital construction site

Dear El Paraiso Verde fans,

Innovative technology in El Paraiso Verde – the “digital construction site”.

The walls of the first 3-D printer house are printed. The training was a complete success. Our trainers said that this printer team is the best they have ever had.

The base plate is being made and in a few weeks the first 3D printer house in Paraguay will be occupied. 40-50 houses are planned for this year.

So: we are ready for you to come. When are you coming?

Click here for the video:

All love
Erwin Annau

Professionals wanted

  • Master carpenters with experience in furniture and window construction, doors, cabinetmakers. Who can build great windows and doors? We are setting up a carpentry workshop for PROFIS.
  • Heilpraktiker or doctor with experience in darkfield – microscopy
  • Lower, middle and upper school teachers of mathematics and science subjects
  • PERMAKULTUR- experts with experience especially in growing fruit trees
  • Shoreline design and watercourse maintenance.
  • Garden design
  • Interior design
  • Fish farming
  • Technicians and precision engineers for “alternative energy devices”.  Specialists in Schauberger, Tesla and Reich technologies.

Applications to