ARCHE NOAH EPV No. 5: Stunned – soccer field – buy or rent in El Paraiso Verde

Our new soccer place is forming

Dear El Paraiso Verde Fans,

What I’m about to tell you will make you spit, freeze the blood in your veins and paralyze your digestion….

I wrestled with myself for almost a day whether to write about it, but you MUST know about it.

You MUST know what you may be in for. So that I don’t come across as too serious – or even negative – I am using satire.

You can also dismiss the following as “conspiracy theory”.

For Example: Germany.

“I want to get out of Germany” is what 2 million people have said to themselves in the last 6 years and have turned their backs on Germany forever.

What this means for Germany as a business location when the top performers leave is anyone’s guess.

That’s how dramatic the wave of emigration from Germany is:

(Number of German emigrants from Germany 2022)


From 2016 to 2022, more than 1.8 million “Bio-Germans” (Alias “Potatoe”, as we are affectionately called by our immigrants) emigrated.

By the middle of 2023, there will probably be more than 2 million Germans who have moved into the world with a harmonica and a jaunty German song (how about “Muss i denn“, or “Scheiden tut weh“) with satchel and cane….

It is clear that the state has to come up with something. It already starts with the “departure taxation”. It is only a question of time until – as with Uncle Honecker – only the pensioners are allowed to emigrate, and that after a long wait and under the stigma of being an “enemy of the state”.

However, so that as many people as possible can be dissuaded from the plan to emigrate, the Germans – masters of the LAW and authority creation – have created a law along with authority….


Hold on, sit down, take a liquor in hand:

There is an emigration protection law now !!!!

What, please????

The government of Germany wants to “protect” you from emigrating!

It is forbidden to advertise emigration in Germany, there is an emigration advertising ban!!! CRAZY! CANNOT BE.

That is nevertheless smoothly against the Basic Law (constitution have the Germans anyway none)…

You probably think now, I want to mess with you… but…

Here is the law:


(Engl.: In short, anyone who wants to give advice to emigrants who are thinking of emigrating will in future have to ask for permission from the relevant authority. This permission can also be refused.)

In the future, you will probably have to apply for emigration (at the Emigration Protection Authority?) or you won’t get out at all.

There one asks oneself naturally as obedient citizen, why one holds probably humans with so much expenditure from emigrating.

And one discovers on telegram the following message, which is to be found on Google probably only on position 6000:


(Engl.: In favor of immigrants, the Dutch government may soon evict its citizens from their homes. The citizens must also allow immigrants to live in their homes with them. )

Conspiracy theory? False report? You are asked to check the accuracy of this information. It would fit into the picture.

If it were true, everything would be clear. Who else would clean up the room provided free of charge for the friendly refugees and make breakfast?

At least there are already calls from the installed politicians to take in refugees. Most recently also from the mayor of New York, Eric Adams.

Reports of some very FEW of these nice, possible roommates, are not easily found on social media, as they are surely deleted as a precaution by a “protection agency” to protect citizens. Like this one, for example:


In El Paraiso Verde you now have the opportunity to live “on trial” in a stable community of awakened people and feel what it is like to have emigrated and even more – what it is like to live in the Green Paradise.

These are the opportunities

  1. Infoweek without Cedula:For the very cautious: A week of concentrated info about EPV
  2. Infoweek with Cedula: for the security-conscious who are looking for “life insurance” against a possible, armed conflict or against the collapse of the social structure in Europe. In the event of a crisis, Cedulas will probably no longer be issued. Hence, motto: “Better to have than to need.”
  3. Renting in El Paraiso Verde: Hotel rooms apartments, houses. Permanent tenants from 1 month.
  4. CashCow Programm for all who want to bring their liquidity in safety. 1 year property-security, 12%. after only 6 weeks we are already about half sold out.
    The emigration decision can be postponed for 1 year by this real estate secured investment decision. It is then already a part of your assets in Paraguay, if you make the decision to emigrate.
Renting and Buying in El Paraiso Verde – the new Video

More about the rental properties that are now available:

Request Renting Objects

House construction in El Paraiso Verde

After the extensive restructuring in construction to maintain the price level, we finish 3 houses with protocol until mid-July, 2 more houses and 3 apartments we make ready for the move.

At the construction something goes on again!

Soccer field in El Paraiso Verde


In just 2 days, the Settlers worked with our Parks and Gardens Department (the TITO team) to lay a soccer field sod.

It was a great collaboration. Tito delivered the sod that we pulled and cut out with the “sod cutter” and over 30 settlers tamped down the sod on the plot that Matthias leveled.

The pitch is about 45 x 25 meters and is therefore half a tournament pitch.

Space for the 2nd half is available and can be planted as needed.


Soccer field and planned fitness park with sandy beach and bar at YPY lake.

Now the settlers will venture to the “beach volleyball field”.

Angus – twin birth at El Paraiso Verde

A rare event: Angus cattle rarely have twins and usually only 1 calf survives. Our Dr. Pablo managed to give birth to 2 healthy Angus calves. Mother cow and the calves are doing well.



This weekend there will be a newsletter dedicated to only ONE topic: Living with Land Registry Security at El Paraiso Verde – Be Excited!

All love
Erwin Annau
and the RELJUV Team


Thousands see the interview of Erwin and Sylvia – 6 years El Paraiso Verde – Mission impossible.

Who has not seen the interview yet – watch and know what is going on in EPV.


Until 5.7.2023: 3562 views on Youtube and already 2300 views on TV in Paraguay.
The interest of already emigrated Germans in EPV is also on the rise.

Video Mission Impossible


Ask here

Wanted: Marketing Specialist
1. good knowledge, English German, at least the will to learn Spanish quickly.
2. experience in website design, SEO, social media,
3. marketing experience
4. relocation to EPV
Ask here