Art and culture in El Paraiso Verde


Dear El Paraiso Verde fans,
Art and culture are especially important to us at El Paraiso Verde.

As a community of people who want to develop themselves (each in their own way), art is indispensable as the “higher level of communication”. One of the ways our artists speak out is through their art.

Evening music at El Paraiso Verde
Dietrich von Knebel plays Clair de Lune by Claude Debussy

“As a resident of EPV, I would like to participate in the cultural offerings within our community. My regular concert series every four weeks (Evening Music at EPV, Saturdays 5.00 pm) is intended to be a contribution to this.
The piece of music “Claire de Lune” simply fits well into an evening music. In addition, my constant nightly walk home from practising the piano at school inspired me to choose this piece.”
(Dietrich von Knebel)

Dietrich von Knebel (born 1959) studied church music in Herford and Frankfurt am Main. He attended international master classes and played numerous concerts at home and abroad as soloist and accompanist of renowned choirs (Philharmonic Choir Tel Aviv and others). This was followed by teaching assignments at the Church Music School and at the State University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt am Main (organ and piano) as well as numerous radio recordings. One of his main focuses is on the now forgotten works of the “German Organ Romanticism”. He has also made a name for himself through silent film screenings with live improvised organ accompaniment (film music). Dietrich von Knebel currently lives and works in El Paraiso Verde (EPV) in Paraguay.

International understanding: Our children show us how

Amigas sin bordes – Friends without borders
Two children, two cultures, two worlds and yet – one heart and one soul

Eleni and Sophia come from two different worlds. Eleni from the “cool” Hanover – high-rise buildings, city stress and concrete… Sophie comes from the family of our “Capatas”, the estate manager of our previous owner, who has been working at El Paraiso for over 20 years. He was there long before the 3 estancias were called “El Paraiso Verde”. Sophia grew up at El Paraiso Verde. Their environment could not be more different.

When you see the children playing together, the harmony and the deep affection between the two, we can only send up a prayer (me with tears in my eyes): “May all people become children”.

All love
Erwin Annau

Professionals wanted

  • Master carpenter with experience in furniture and window construction, doors, cabinetmakers
  • Heilpraktiker or doctor with experience in dark field – microscopy
  • Teacher for self-determined/free learning. Experience is an internal training is possible”.
  • Lower, middle and upper school teachers of mathematics and science subjects.
  • PERMAKULTUR- experts with experience especially in growing fruit trees
  • Shoreline design and watercourse maintenance.
  • Garden design
  • Interior design
  • Fish farming
  • Technicians and precision engineers for “alternative energy devices”.  Specialists in Schauberger, Tesla and Reich technologies.

Please send applications with curriculum vitae, certificates and proof of employment to