ARCHE NOAH EPV No. 7: Settlement area in the electronic cadastre – Easier way into the EPV – Building successes

Newsletter El Paraiso Verde

Dear Paraiso Verde Fans,

good news. Now that the government that has always hindered us has changed to a much better one in Paraguay, everything suddenly works faster and better:


Last Friday, the Maciel Municipal Council approved the procedure (administrative process) for the land registration of our settlers.


Now the first 15 settlers who have fulfilled all requirements can be registered! The applications of the next 15 settlers are already being prepared.

At the same time, the Cadastre has assigned the final land register number of the project, which is now an urbanization project with over 1500 plots. From this land register number, the individual plots are now separated.

This is how you can find El Paraiso Verde, which has been merged and divided for the registration of the plots, in the Land Registry:

Mapa Catastral –> Search (The Magnifying Glass).
Enter the following parameters:
Departmentos: G – CAZAP
Distritos: G04 – Maciel
Padron: 1247

Catastro Parameter

Our Matricel Number is:
Matrícula G04/1027 Maciel Fracción “B”
Settlers Area: Padrón N° 1.247
Pastures: Padron N° 1.246

Catastro EPV

Construction activity

At the beginning of June 2023, I took over construction management and restructured the entire construction at El Paraiso Verde. Faster, more efficient construction is the motto.

By the end of July, 8 buildings and one half of a double apartment will be completed. 6 new construction sites will be started by a team of settlers together with RELJUV.

Since the now accelerated completion of the buildings will provide sufficient apartments, we have further facilitated the “path to the Green Paradise” already outlined in the last newsletter:

a) Infoweek without Cedula: One week concentrated info about EPV.
b) Infoweek WITH Cedula: “Life insurance” in case of crisis, NO “escape property” needed anymore, as long as enough rental properties are available.
c) After info week: rentals at El Paraiso Verde: Hotel rooms, apartments, houses. Permanent rentals from 1 month
d) Cattle – Program: Savings in security. Land collateralization, 12%.

I have been asked by some Paraiso Verde fans how to do it right if you want to emigrate safely, quickly and efficiently. This would be the way (shortcuts possible, of course).

If the conditions are met, this would be the best way:

1. invest savings, the available funds (account, life insurance, funds, possibly a part of the precious metals) in the cattle program.
2. come to the information week WITH Cedula
3. spend as much time as possible with trial living in EPV
4. if necessary, return to the home country, liquidate everything, if necessary bring a container on the way
5. move and rent in EPV
6. make final decision about the residential property
7. cattle package: after one year, buy land and build.

Depending on your financial situation and schedule, this basic path can be adapted. Therefore, arrange a consultation as soon as possible.

Register here for a talk

CEDULA – VIP Service in Asuncion! From now on you can book it with us.
If you just want to do the cedula quickly in 1-2 days, you can do it with our experienced team (the largest service team for immigration) in a rush.

More Infos


More than one third of the packages are sold. New cattle are coming into EPV all the time.
We expect the 100 packages to be sold by September.
Secure a “safe place in the pasture” for your savings.

 Get here more Infos and an appointment talk.


An interesting development is brewing:
Now that even the worst “envious” realize that our plots will be entered in the land register, we have observed in the last 2 weeks that (uninoculated) Paraiso Verde fans, some of whom have never even been with us, are buying WOHN – plots! Some even several (for themselves? children? or as an investment?). 7 residential lots were purchased by investors last week.

Makes sense, since the list prices will increase by 1% per month from November 2023 and therefore plots, after the cattle packages have all been sold, represent the next lucrative investment.

Aber das Wohngrundstück kann viel mehr: Es sichert einen BESTIMMTEN Platz im El Paraiso Verde, der da ist, wenn man kommt und der durch Straße und Grundbuch in den nächsten paar Jahren vielleicht um 50% mehr wert sein kann. Auch wert, darüber nachzudenken….


Paraguay Emigration – in FOCUS
Europeans who emigrated to Paraguay tell how it really is. Data, facts and critical info for your emigration decision.

Here is the Video (in german)

All love
Erwin Annau

P.S. Thoughts on the world situation

A suggestion for all who think about emigration

An “interesting time”. France is the testing ground for the worldwide planned New World Order. The “recipe” of a total dictatorship: import of countless (mostly male) refugees, destruction of the economy, use of the “refugee weapon” for unrest and riots, stir up the anger of the (unfortunately unarmed) people to the point of civil war and then create (the new world) order as the “savior”. France is thus exactly one developmental step further than Germany. In Germany, the mass layoffs will begin in the fall, and the destruction of the economy is in full swing according to the Federation of German Industries. I wonder what the next step will be then?

China, which is highly praised by German politicians, is already a few steps ahead. The new order already exists there. 15-minute cities, limitation of the radius of movement depending on good behavior….

What is overlooked by many are the parallels of the German Reich with China.
Back then, between 1933 and 1939, banknotes were printed without end to boost the economy and armaments. In 1940, the bubble would have burst with economic collapse and hyperinflation. What does a regime do before the people get on top of the financial mess?

China has a banking system broken by trillions of dollars in bad real estate loans and huge ghost towns where no one lives. Exports are falling massively due to the recession in Europe and the USA. On top of that, a quarter of young people are unemployed. What do you do before the economy and financial system collapse? How do you solve the problem of countless unemployed young people? Does China have an archenemy? How to distract the people from the internal misery?

Things to think about….