Dear El Paraiso Verde Fans,
When I took office, there were 83 buildings on a list of homes where work had not been completed (and lacked the funding to complete under the previous administration).
This list has shrunk to 36 buildings that were started before I took office on October 17, 2023. In June, we will hand over 8 more buildings with a protocol. This means that two thirds of the mammoth task of completing the buildings started is now complete. With the sale of the “Haus am See”, all of the “old” buildings could be completed.
All new buildings started after I took office will be completed in the shortest possible technical timeframe. They are managed and financed independently of the buildings taken over.
Last Friday I signed EIGHT titles.
The process of obtaining title:
Why a property with title in El Paraiso Verde can be worth more than anywhere in Paraguay.
The “title production” in El Paraiso Verde is in full swing. Around 25-30 titles are currently in the application process. Of the 1711 plots with title in 2024, 491 are currently available for sale, 78 are reserved and 531 have been sold. Approximately 700,000 people are following our progress online into the new era of El Paraiso Verde. One in 100 interested parties can purchase a plot with title 2024.
The process of obtaining a title in Paraguay begins with detailed research into the “history” of a plot of land. Many plots of land in El Paraiso Verde have also been bought, exchanged, bought back, divided, merged or boundaries have been changed several times. With 1711 titles, this adds up to a few thousand transactions that have been processed over the years by various clerks, accountants and employees.
Only someone who has been with us since the beginning can investigate this: Sylvia and Erwin. We prepare the file with the help of our accounting and legal departments. My job is to draw up the agreements, contracts, corrections, etc. that are still needed. Sylvia compiles the documentation and prepares the file for the notary.
It must be clarified whether the current owner of a property is the undisputed owner or whether addenda to contracts still need to be drawn up. The owner often changes before the title is granted (e.g. spouse or children become co-owners). I then draw up the relevant contracts. Rights of way and other servitudes (easements) must also be notarized at this stage.
It is then determined whether the owner(s) has (have) paid all amounts and fulfilled all requirements. For those entitled to use the land from 2016 to 2019, the costs for flood protection are still incurred so that ownership can be granted.
This does not affect new owners from around 2020. Maintenance contributions, infrastructure contributions and the division costs according to the condominium agreement, as well as the boundary stones, must be paid.
If everything fits and the accounting, legal and finance departments have given their OK, an Orden de Escrituracion will be drawn up.
This is the order to the notary to create the title for a property. The Orden de Escrituracion contains all the information that the notary needs to prepare the title. The Orden de Escrituracion is signed by me as the legal representative of the sponsoring company (with a stamp) and the file is handed over to the notary with the necessary documents, invoices and copies of IDs.
This prepares a mostly 7-page document in which the entire history of El Paraiso Verde is documented in detail. From the first purchase until today. That’s about 100 years!
Why is this so important?
A good TITLE in Paraguay must include the history from the first privatization of the property until today. This is of crucial importance. If you have a title deed in Paraguay that does NOT accurately and truthfully document the proper transfer of ownership from the FIRST seller (from the country, state or municipality) to today, you run the risk of losing your property!
There are too many “unclean” or – as they say in this country – “double-decker” titles in Paraguay. (Double-storey: several owners have “titles” for the same land).
Example: Someone buys a house. The title deed goes back to 1985. You think: “no problem, that’s more than 30 years, under European or US law the property and all servitudes (rights of way, water rights, pipeline rights) are inherited (creation of a right through long-term use).
Far from it. You build a house or fix it up, then the seller’s uncle arrives with a title deed dating back to 1972 – and you leave the house behind (which then belongs to the uncle free of charge) and go back home to your old home without any cash. Unfortunately, this often happens in Paraguay. This is why almost every title in Paraguay has to be “cleaned up”.
It took us a few years to “clear” our 3 original titles, i.e. to check carefully that no one else had a claim to part of the 3 original properties. We had to go back about 100 years.
Our core area – Section B (Condominium) was never in doubt. But on the western edge of our grazing area in the Isla Susu nature reserve, there was a title dispute from the early 1970s. At the time, this was at the expense of the then owner of the EPV. We therefore had to cede 174 hectares of the 1597 hectares purchased to the neighbor.
It was no longer possible to settle back with the seller, as liability for the title expires after 3 years. EPV is therefore “only” 1423 hectares in size.
Here are the details. Fraccion B is the condominium. You acquire ownership there.
Is still 7x the size of Monaco……
The lesson: Don’t buy land or a house in Paraguay where you don’t have a proven transfer of ownership back to the FIRST land sale by the state or 100 years back.
“The land titles of El Paraiso Verde are among the most secure titles in Paraguay – the owners can be traced back more than 100 years.”
What you buy from us at EPV is definitely yours!
So now is the time to buy a Plan B property in El Paraiso Verde – NEW before the abolition of cash and thus BEFORE the introduction of total control over your financial decisions.
Countries, currencies and banks
European Union:
Canada – CBDC against public will – QR code to leave your city -Canada will be bankrupt
Precious metal reserves are only as good as they are physically purchased and also ACCESSIBLE and the state does not restrict their sale, impose a direct ban on gold (as it has done 400 times in history, approx. 12 x ban on gold and silver) or introduce an indirect ban on precious metals via confiscatory sales taxes.
Crypto only works if there is an internet. And nobody knows which cryptocurrency will remain or be banned after the introduction of the CBDC.
You can’t eat gold and crypto. A plot of land with a vegetable garden and a few chickens will provide the food you need if the situation in the “western world” gets worse and you leave the trouble spot (hopefully a day early).
WE can convert crypto and precious metals into properties with SAFE titles and houses for plan A or B. How to do it:
Thinking about taking some of the profits?
Your investment in El Paraiso Verde in a property with title is SAFE: Since we founders took over almost 7 months ago, we have documented all income and expenditure precisely. Our financial advisory board has insight into our finances.
SIEDLER KREATIV: Table decoration, Casa del Sol
They use seed pods and dried flowers to decorate our asado tables and the tables at the gala dinner. When are you coming to our asado (barbecue)?
Would you also like such a beautiful blue sky?
EXTRA TRAVEL mid-JUNE 2024: for English-speaking visitors: Canadians and Americans welcome! Ask for date: Plan B: from approx. 40,000 USD (36,000 EUR) in El Paraiso Verde. Live there yourself or rent out with approx. 10% yield. |
Now our settlers are talking: this is what it’s REALLY like at El Paraiso Verde-NEW!
Jan – his experiences – 3 years with Erwin and Sylvia Annau
“Hello, I’m Jan, born in Hamburg in 1974. I spent the last 12 years in Germany living on my small farm in East Germany, with a self-sufficient garden and chickens. I have had many different jobs, my favorite was working with customers and guests.
I often did things with my guests, which I particularly enjoyed. I have been living at EPV – single – for over 3 years now. I came here one way back then.
I live happily and in peace with many like-minded friends in a wonderful community. I would like to share my experiences with Erwin and Sylvia Annau with everyone so that the truth about them can finally be told. El Paraiso Verde-NEU will NOW, under their leadership, become exactly as they have always said it would be.”
In Love
Erwin Annau
New: We want more families: here are the ideal family plots:
TWO quarter-acre plots in Pirapo 2 at 30% discount
P. S.: Who can help us become self-sufficient? Our vegetable production needs you if you have experience, entrepreneurial spirit and a “green thumb”.
House building professionals wanted!
Our offers:
Come to El Paraiso Verde now: get to know El Paraiso Verde:
Info week: Appointment under
Visit: 2 weeks for the price of one!
Caracol plots with 30% discount (also UNDER 5000 EURO), Tiny-Houses from approx. 30.000 Euro
The remaining RELJUV plots (many have been sold) minus 15% until the end of June 2024
Plots per hectare in Pirapo 1 and 2 minus 30%
Investor program with up to 27.27 % return
Get your wealth out of the bank or realize your profits in crypto or gold and invest in a property with TITLE in El Paraiso Verde.
Youtube Channel