Newsletter: Arche Noah No. 33: The Truth comes to Light – The Mason Case

Dear El Paraiso Verde Fans,

For too long we have remained silent, tolerated, shown understanding, waited, tried to talk, to mediate, we have written, negotiated, done everything to bring people who maliciously want to harm us to their senses.

But the slander continued and did not diminish as a result of our silence, but – because we did not defend ourselves – became worse and worse, more and more brazen and more and more lies.

Sad, but for eons the good and loving majority of TRUE souls and true humans have had to endure the tyranny of a minority of – let’s be polite – evil beings. We have been lied to, cheated, ripped off, beaten down, enslaved and enslaved. This is over now.

You obviously can’t have a sensible conversation with sociopaths. You have to tell them clearly using their own methods:

Out! Stop! No more!

The red line has been crossed. From now on, your evil deeds will have consequences. Blackmail and coercion will be punished.

But why is it that so far every movement that wants to bring about something positive in the world has been disrupted or destroyed by a few?

This is the programming of the matrix in which we live. Everything is only allowed to end well in Hollywood movies. In real life, everything is supposed to end in drama and catastrophe so that the socio-parasites can suck our soul energy out of us. And the most effective helpers of the soul energy robbers are the do-gooders, who show understanding for everything. Especially for the perpetrators.

Every positive project has been attacked from the outside and destroyed from the inside by infiltrated “plants” (planted agents), trolls, agitators and traitors. The worst thing is that these people are usually unaware that they are being controlled by others and often believe that they are only doing what is best for a project.

That’s why most projects don’t survive two years. And certainly not if you clearly state what you are for, define the highest freedom as the highest responsibility and postulate ethics and reason as the basis for living together. And then we also openly state what we are against (LGBTQ and other abbreviations, as well as injected bioweapons, etc.)

We stand by our views. The New Age is the time of truth and clarity, of clearly labeled GOOD and EVIL, RIGHT and WRONG, HONEST and UNHONEST. And anyone who does so will be mercilessly slandered.

(“Slander is quick and the truth is slow”. – Voltaire)

(“A lie has already circled the globe three times before the truth puts on its shoes”. – Mark Twain)

But now the truth is coming to light. The truth is the strongest sword – invincible.

The truth comes to light – The MASON case – blackmail and coercion?

The truth always prevails. Dr. Erwin Annau, founder and new president of El Paraiso Verde, systematically exposes the extortion used by unscrupulous lawyers together with fraudulent real estate agents to orchestrate a hostile takeover of El Paraiso Verde.

Using 2-minute videos on TikTok, they spread baseless lies about the largest settlement of health-conscious free thinkers. But now the truth strikes back and hits them hard. Their corrupt lawyer announced that a bombshell was about to explode – little did she know what was coming.


Akte Mason

The reactions:

Naturally, there is great indignation among our (open and secret) enemies.

“How can you publish the private, intimate photos of the lawyer?”

Well, it’s hard to call them PRIVATE: This is her website:

This is the PUBLIC website where Raviolo has posted her photos, for everyone to find.

She calls herself Miss “Destapó” Woman (“uncovered”). So she is advertising her nudity, and not “once upon a time when she was young” but now.

And she’s a lawyer?

Well, I may be a bit of a nerd, but I would consider hiring a lawyer who shows herself naked on the Internet.

This is the opinion of our editor who found the website:

“Here is the public website where Marta Raviolo posted her pictures. The pregnancy pictures are not private, personal pictures “from intimate moments” that are only accessible to the closest family members, no, Marta wants the public to see these photos. So this is not a moral and ethical attack on her, but by referring to these pictures we are underpinning her inner motivation, her superficial habitus, her intellectual narrow-mindedness, which is also transferred to her professional, legal and ethical field of work, where SHE ignores all moral and ethical principles.”

The criminal energy she displays in advising her clients on blackmail and coercion tops it all off. – The fact that we, El Paraiso Verde, are exposing her message and exposing her true character to the public also serves those who had in mind to use her services in the legal field. Above all, we are defending El Paraiso Verde and the assets of our settlers.

Those who pose as lawyers and pose naked on the internet and instruct their clients to commit extortion and coercion must be dragged into the light. Let’s look at the lawyer’s laughing dance number with a smile and not feign modesty and prudery – these are HER PHOTOS! There is little evidence of modesty and prudery. With their seemingly moralistic arguments, the blackmailers want to denigrate the El Paraiso Verde project. It’s nice that we can clearly see what the morals of this lawyer are like.

I also have a question about this:

Where was the indignation of the now suddenly self-appointed moralists about the many degrading photo montages of Sylvia and Erwin?

Who indignantly called for our protection? Did they apply the same yardstick?

Now this double standard is over.

The good thing about this video: There are now interested parties who want to buy the Masons’ quarter acre (“Bare land at its finest…”).

Thank you for the many positive comments on the net about our film. We are congratulated for no longer putting up with the lies and slander.
Thank you.

All my love, Erwin Annau

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“I have been following Erwin and the El Paraiso Verde project since 2019 and was in conversation/interview with Erwin and finally signed a notarized contract to buy a plot of land. For family reasons, I was unable to move to El Paradiso Verde and stayed in Switzerland. I can only say that all the negotiations were correct: no pressure to buy, no psychological sales tricks. They were direct, honest negotiations. I withdrew from the purchase contract and the reversal went without any problems or discussions. Everything went according to the rules as I already knew them in the purchase contract. I still have the desire to go to El Paradiso Verde in the near future and live there in a community of free-thinking people who are there for each other and make my contribution to good coexistence. It is a gift for body and soul to be able to live in a community like El Paraiso Verde offers to the people who have found their way there.
I find it sad how third parties keep trying to discredit Sylvia and Erwin Annau’s project.
For my part, I question this and realize that there are usually other interests behind it.
I wish Silvia and Erwin and their team a lot of strength and confidence to continue this wonderful project successfully in the interests of the community and to have a good knack for welcoming people who can also make a positive contribution to the community and bring in positive energy.”

“I like your project. I’ve been following you on YT for many years. One day I might become your client and a resident of El Paraiso Verde. I’ll gladly take the 1/4 acre parcel, and if there’s a 15% discount, that’s even better. Just give me a few more months to get myself well organized. I’m just not ready yet. Don’t let it get you down. Most people appreciate what you can do.”

“Thank you, Erwin, for your clarifying words. You can have the best intentions in life, do the best for people, when you are dealing with toxic people, they will always try to blame other people for their own failures and blame others!”

“Thank you Erwin for your enlightening words. Just saw it this morning! It was recently posted in the “Expats in Paraguay” group on Facebook in response to a post last October asking about community reputation. I posted this video right below it! Lots of Love”

“Interesting video. I had previously seen the video of the Masons and their complaints. I thought at the time that someone had put them up to it and that they had no idea about investing or buying real estate.

There are several best practices when it comes to investing, such as:

1. do your due diligence, research, find out what you can about the investment, and understand what it is and what it is not. 2. don’t invest more than you can afford to lose. 3. invest for the long term, especially in real estate. Don’t expect to buy one month and sell the next and make a profit; remember that it can take years to make money on an investment. 4. develop an exit strategy in case you want to get out, but keep in mind that a quick exit will cost more money. 5. never let emotions get in the way of an investment, put them aside and come back to the idea when you can think things through logically. 6. do not invest prematurely. 7. always read agreements, contracts and other documents carefully. 8. always calculate the costs.

Anyone considering investing in EPV should first do their research. I think EPV is a good concept, but it’s not for everyone. The Masons clearly didn’t do their research properly, or they let their emotions lead them to make a quick decision that they later regretted.
Many thanks to Erwin for sharing this information as it makes it clear that the Masons and their ex-beauty queen lawyer have been economical with the truth.”

“I think it’s good that you respond to such accusations instead of ignoring them. I’ve been watching your project for a while now. I had also seen the accusations mentioned and didn’t quite know what to make of them. This video clarifies things. I would also like to leave Germany. The conditions here are getting worse and worse.

Especially when you live in an increasingly dystopian Berlin. If Germany has become a madhouse, then you could say that Berlin has become an intensive care unit. Only crazy people here. I’ll be a pensioner next year, then we’ll see what happens. Fortunately, Bitcoin is rising again, which I invested in at the right time because I don’t want to rely solely on the state pension system. This gives me a certain amount of financial leeway for the time after my working life. I’m currently watching an advanced Spanish course on YouTube called “Espanol Si”. I’ve already got the basics of grammar, numbers and a few hundred words down. All the best and good luck!”

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An article about Mrs. Raviolo:

A passacaglia for Marta Raviolo: “Stop messing with married men”, 14 May, 2014

The beautiful model Marta Raviolo, who was elected Miss International in 2013, participated this morning in the patriotic parade in the beautiful city of Coronel Oviedo, attended by local authorities and students from various educational institutions.

The stunning Miss was seated in the official box as guest of honor and all was going well until attendees noticed an eye-catching banner with a message to the Goddess displayed in front of the box. It read: “María Marta Raviolo Vera, Miss International 2013, stop getting involved with married men!”.

Marta Raviolo Artikel