Dear El Paraiso Verde Fans, dear Settlers, dear Investors
Land Registry:
I would like to inform you that the Paraguayan Land Registry (Catastro) has accepted the final plans and the 1,711 titles that I signed last week.
Here is the documented process on the Internet:
and here is the proof: the confirmation of receipt of the 1,711 titles by Catastro:
Once the titles have been issued, the first 15 public deeds are drawn up and submitted to the land registry for stamping. The public deeds stamped by the land registry ARE the TITLES!
It is in our interest to have all titles issued as quickly as possible for all those who meet the requirements. The process of issuing titles can no longer be prevented.
We now have three major internet platforms whose operators have visited El Paraiso Verde.
All three have confirmed, after visiting a large number of settlement projects in many countries, that El Paraiso Verde is the ONLY settlement that is equipped for long-term living with self-sufficiency, security, community life and sufficient infrastructure.
All 3 platforms are fully informed about the situation regarding the transition to the new administration (October 17, 2023) and have expressed their full confidence in us.
We have started from scratch 3 times. The first time (January 2018) there were no more settlers, the 2nd time (June 2019) only 10% of the settlers remained. The 3rd time (January 2021) 54% of the settlers stayed with us and are now happily living in their homes.
We are aware that the last weeks and months have been a challenge for all settlers. We are willing and confident that our strong community is coping well with this challenge as we have wonderful people in our community. With every new start, the percentage of those who continue to walk with us into the future increases.
In times of upheaval, decisions and plans change. For us too. That is why we have changed the course of our Noah’s Ark:
Back to our roots:
As quickly as possible into calm waters and into the harbor (condominium, heart community, extensive self-administration, self-sufficiency and, if the settlers want, a cooperative and ultimately a colony).
The future – back to the roots – means:
No commercial cattle fattening,
all pastures within the dam will be successively developed into settlement areas
According to the original plan, 4000-6000 settlers are possible (see Robert Stein interviews from Dec. 2016)
After we actually wanted to be finished with the infrastructure by the end of 2021, Covid came and the cadastre was closed for 2 years. Many other obstacles delayed our schedule. We (the founders) therefore decided to sell all saleable plots as quickly as possible (within a year if possible).
By the end of 2024, we want to have sold all the plots that can be sold and have largely completed the infrastructure. At the end of 2024, we would like to retire, which will then be 5 years overdue.
What does retirement mean for the founders?
Working 20-30 hours a week instead of 90 hours, one weekend and one or two vacations a year, just like other people.
Now is also the time for the younger generation to prove themselves. We have some capable people here in our community and we are sure that there will be some more capable people who will help to make this beautiful project, El Paraiso Verde, flourish.
The most difficult period of the foundation will be over by the end of 2024, but there will still be plenty of challenges for the next crew to overcome. The “youngsters” can learn from our experience and hopefully make fewer mistakes than we did.
The properties currently available for sale are worth at least four times the value of all claims (even after all discounts granted). This leaves enough money to implement the infrastructure according to the project plan and create a paradise with recreational areas, two villages, stores, restaurants, etc.
The plots are sold to settlers, future settlers, people who want a plan B and to investors who want to invest their savings profitably for 1-5 years in El Paraiso. Investors are invested for a maximum of 5 years.
More Informations:
Sale of all available properties of the EPV within one year
Step 1:
All FREE plots of El Paraiso Verde (these are all WHITE colored plots in the RELJUV cadastre) will be sold from today until 31.12.2023 with a discount of 30%. The discount only applies if money is received by 31.12.2023.
All resale plots of El Paraiso Verde (these are all VIOLET colored plots in the RELJUV cadastre) will be sold from today until 31.12.2023 with a discount of 10%. If money is received by 31.12.2023
Step 2:
All then still FREE plots of El Paraiso Verde will be sold from 1/1/2024 to 1/31/2024 with a discount of 20%. All resale plots of El Paraiso Verde that are still FREE thereafter will be sold at a discount of 5% from January 1, 2024 to January 31, 2024. If money is received by 31.1.2024
Step 3:
All El Paraiso Verde lots still FREE thereafter will be sold at a 10% discount from 2/1/2024 to 2/29/2024. All then still FREE resale plots of El Paraiso Verde will be sold at list price from 1.2.2024 until 31.3.2024. If money is received by 31.3.2024
Step 4:
All then remaining FREE lots of El Paraiso Verde will be sold at list price from 3/1/2024 to 3/31/2024. If money is received by 3/31/2024.
Step 5:
Beginning April 1, 2024, all prices will be increased monthly by 1% of the 3/31/2024 list price: These increases will run for up to 60 months. Through the discounts and price increases, investors can earn at least 10% in the first year and at least 4% every year thereafter
More Informations:
What does sold out mean?
More than 90% of all plots have been sold. There are only a few remaining plots or resales.
Is it realistic that all available plots at El Praiso Verde will be sold within a year?
1. new administration
Financial control by the founders and the financial advisory board.
2. internet platforms
A) Platform
The video has already been viewed more than 340,000 times
B) The “Army of Love” platform with 25,000 members and a mailing list of 120,000 recipients looking for a Plan B will go online with the first videos next week. ARMY of LOVE is the largest and most active citizens’ movement in the Netherlands against the Chinese lab disease, vaccination, land expropriation and for the freedom of the people of the country. Army of Love was founded by Mordechaí Krispijn: Here.
(Best to open on Google Chrome, right-click and translate)
Army of Love caused a worldwide stir when it sued the country’s government and individual politicians over the lockdowns and other measures and – in particular – when it tried to bring David Icke into the country and the European Court of Justice refused him entry.
This movement regularly organizes seminars on Plan B – investments, emigration, etc. (and many other topics, including many spiritual topics). There are over 25,000 members and 120,000 people on the mailing list. In other words, a highly qualified group of interested parties.
Mordechai was with us, stayed an extra day. We shot over 10 hours of video footage. The discussions were wonderful. Many spiritual topics but also clear statements about the situation in the world. According to Mordechai, who has visited almost every settlement project in the world, EPV is the only sensible alternative.
He also welcomed the takeover of the administration by the founders and he too now sees a golden future for the project – back to the roots.
C) The operator of another platform with 40,000 investors who buy Plan B and investment properties worldwide was here last Sunday: Confidence in the project and in the founders.
Will El Paraiso Verde remain a spiritual community of UN-vaccinated people?
Please watch the following 2 videos:
ARMY OF LOVE: Visit to El Paraiso Verde
Visiting the Tree Being „Timbo Guasu“ in El Paraiso Verde
Only NOW can and WILL El Paraiso Verde come into being, just as it was conceived and “envisioned” 7 years ago.
All my love
Erwin Annau