Newsletter 78 – Experiences at El Paraiso Verde 2025 TIES

Dear El Paraiso Verde fans TIES about the opportunities and potential of EPV Ties, a young man from Holland, has already achieved a lot in his life. As a crypto expert and coach, he enjoys constantly changing his place of residence and whereabouts and traveling according to intuition – a real citizen of the world. Ties spent a few weeks at El Paraiso Verde and he shares his experiences. For him, El Paraiso Verde is a place where he can think well. A place without pressure, where he can simply “just be”. The paradise on 1439 hectares gives him the […]


Newsletter 77 – El Paraiso Verde will be MEGA

Dear El Paraiso Verde Fans, Now it’s getting MEGA! El Paraiso Verde WAS, IS and WILL BE MEGA ! El Paraiso Verde WAS a MEGA project from day one 1597 hectares of land (today 1439 hectares), where people from all over the world can meet one another at the level of the heart. The realization of a life in a unique community based on rational life principles. From a grassy desert, almost impossible to access, emerged the largest urbanization project in South America. 100 km of roads, 16 km of flood protection, a dozen lakes, half of which are already […]



Dear El Paraiso Verde fans, Construction is underway in El Paraiso Verde! We have 16 active construction sites. 11 active construction sites are operated by a construction company that was founded by settlers. 5 construction sites are currently being completed by RELJUV. Retrospective – El Paraiso Verde construction department: October 17, 2023: We encountered the following situation when we took over management, accounting and the computers (which had been wiped by the previous management): 83 construction sites where something was not yet finished. 49 construction sites that were half-finished or only started, but for which the construction money was missing. […]


Newsletter 75 – First Indictment against Buker, Cash Paments, Jo Conrad Interview

Dear El Pariso Verde fans, Happy New Year! We wish you happiness, peace, health and success for 2025! We took over the management on October 17, 2023. More than 80% of the employees were dismissed, including those who worked with the allegedly corrupt management. With 70 loyal employees and the vast majority of the settlers, we have turned the project around. The value of the real estate and thus the value of the settlers’ assets were preserved. Since mid-2024, we have been out of the crisis. And things are steadily improving. The last 15 months were three times more difficult […]


Newsletter 74 – Merry Christmas

Dear El Paraiso Verde Fans We wish all of you a Merry Christmas. Love, Health, Piece, Luck and Success to all of you from the bottom of our hearts. We thank you for all of your support and for your may good wishes. Erwin und Sylvia Annau The settlers of Paraiso Verde And a little piece of “Christmas Music” from the green Paradise….    


Newsletter 73 – Buy land and shares with crypto

Investment in LAND in BITCOIN Dear El Paraiso Verde fans   The purchase of land in El Paraiso Verde with cryptocurrency – directly from the investor – begins. A house and 10 lots are online. More lots and houses will be added every week. Visit our website. The latest updates are always in YELLOW. Now that Bitcoin has broken through the $100,000 mark ONCE, it’s time to bring some of the profits into safe waters.     The “double top” is still missing, that is the confirmation that 100,000 would be reached a second time. It makes sense […]


Newsletter 72 – School at El Paraiso Verde

Dear El Paraiso Verde friends, Can anyone tell me if this is true? Is this a conspiracy theory, or is history repeating itself? Russia has never waged a war of aggression, but has always only struck back (e.g. Napoleon, Hitler….). So why are the Germans afraid of the Russian bear? But maybe I’ve been away from the completely crazy Europe for too long…. Germany draws up a list of bunkers for emergency shelter for civilians. Germany has set up a bunker app to warn civilians of bomb attacks Germany reveals plans to mobilize national defense and 800,000 NATO troops […]


Newsletter 71 – Seize this “once-in-a-lifetime” opportunity now!

Turn €28,000 into up to €420,000 in 18 months. For major investors, this might not be extraordinary, but for everyone else, it’s an inaccessible world. Until today, because we’ve given you the key to this world of major investors. What’s more, you can already reserve a plot in El Paraíso Verde and build your dream house on your dream property—or secure your retirement with a rental property—or both! Dear El Paraíso Verde fans, Situation: The euro is falling and falling… Against the dollar Against gold Against Bitcoin Conclusion: Is your money sitting in a bank account or financial investment? It’s […]


Newsletter 70 – New lockdowns? WW3? It’s about you and your children – buy Bitcoin properties in the EPV now!

Dear El Paraiso Verde fans Are there going to be a new lockowns? Is our paradise planet Earth going to hell in an apocalypse? Have they all lost their…… minds? I don’t even have time to finish writing my newsletters. Every day new bad tidings. Now it’s REALLY time to come to us. Come, do the Cedula later, but a plan B must stand ready if you have to go. You can only leave ONE day too early when the world is falling apart. One day too late won’t work. The time for obtaining the documents […]



Dear El Paraíso Verde fans, Trump’s election has brought many of you a gift – Bitcoin’s value is skyrocketing! Buy your own property (PLAN A or B) in El Paraíso Verde with BITCOIN Since D. Trump’s election, Bitcoin has been booming. This is great news for all Bitcoin investors, but everyone knows: after a bull market, a correction eventually follows. That’s why now is the time to convert some of your Bitcoin gains into a secure investment: titled property in El Paraíso Verde.     How it works: We’ll explain everything in a personal conversation. Email: (Subject: “Bitcoin”) Contact […]
