Dear El Paraiso Verde Friends, Paraguay Emigration – El Paraiso Verde NEW – THIS IS HOW IT REALLY IS!
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The Newsletter of El Paraiso Verde.
There are always many news around the El Paraiso Verde and the country Paraguay. Of these are always reported in this category. It is important to know what is happening in the country to which one wants to emigrate or has already emigrated.
Occasionally, information from other countries is also mentioned in order to be able to have a comparison of how Paraguay is to be considered in this regard. Of course it is also about political developments in the world and primarily in Paraguay and in El Paraiso Verde. All posts on this website has been created by Erwin Annau.
In the following now the newsletters of El Paraiso Verde – if you are interested just click on “Read more”.
Newsletter 49: Full steam ahead – into the new Era of El Paraiso Verde
Dear El Paraiso Verde Friends, Full steam ahead – into the new era of El Paraiso Verde After 2 weeks of unusually cold weather in Paraguay (8 degrees Celsius at night), fall is back with wonderful temperatures ranging from 22 degrees at night to 29 degrees during the day, with a fresh breeze and a wonderfully bright sun…
Weiterlesen/More/MasNewsletter: Noahs Ark 48A – Heinz – Deleted from Youtube because telling the truth
Dear El Paraiso Verde Friends, Censorship has struck again: Heinz, who told the truth about the last president and about us, was deleted from Youtube within a few hours – because of a picture of Buker! And this in violation of YouTube’s own “fair use rules”! We have uploaded the Heinz video again – without this picture. We have “nicer pictures” of Buker and especially of his 400 m² house in Maciel, which he presumably built with the settlers money.
Weiterlesen/More/MasNewsletter: Noahs Ark No. 48 – El Paraiso Verde – NOW the SETTLERS are talking! – Heinz – Predicate: TRUE – deleted from Youtube within hours
Dear El Paraiso Verde Friends, Predicate: TRUE – deleted from Youtube within hours Censorship has struck: we have uncovered the lies of fake news. Thousands of people were still watching the video at 19:30 on Thursday, but it was deleted by YouTube during the night without sufficient justification. Everyone is allowed to lie like crazy on YouTube, but if you expose the lies with documents, you will be deleted because of “data protection”. Protection of perpetrators also comes before protection of victims on YouTube. How can you expose a lie if not through DOCUMENTS? Without documents, it’s just a counter-claim, […]
Weiterlesen/More/MasNewsletter: Noahs Ark No. 47: MEDIA MANIPULATION – The Case MDR
Dear El Paraiso Verde Friends, Thank you very much for the many messages (email, WhatsApp, Telegram) from people who have seen our latest film about security and about the two fearless army colonels. “We wish you much strength” is the tenor of the reactions. Our message: We will bring everything to light We will find the settlers’ money and demand it back We will realize El Paraiso Verde as a place where people of all religions, worldviews, cultures and races can live without fear in peace, freedom, joy and abundance. We have come to stay
Weiterlesen/More/MasNewsletter: Noah’s Ark No. 46: Titles – New Era EPV – Safety – Truth to Light – Basic Piece Special Offer
Dear El Paraiso Verde Friends, Property title I signed the land register title again with our notary on Monday, May 6, 2024. Some of the owners were with us and also signed. I even signed several titles where the property owners were not in a hurry and were not there. I have applied for about a dozen more titles and they are now with the land registry. These should be back with the notary for signature in the next 1-2 weeks. On May 6 and 7, I sent another 4 orders for titles to the notary. I hope we won’t […]
Weiterlesen/More/MasNewsletter: Noahs Ark No. 45: TITLE-VIDEO. Reactions on Title Distribution – Truth comes to Light
Dear El Paraiso Verde Friends, Thank you for your many congratulations and comments, such as this one: TEXT (verbatim transcript): “Brilliant. I would like to congratulate you and you dear Sebastian and your family from the bottom of my heart. My visit to you and your leadership at EPV was very impressive what you have achieved. I am mega happy that I was able to see the EPV as an outsider in December 22 and hand over my donation to the school. I will keep the school celebration and the smiling, carefree children’s eyes free from any negative influences of […]
Weiterlesen/More/MasNewsletter: Noahs Ark No. 44: TITLE-VIDEO. How long is a title in the land register valid? The laugh of the weekend
Dear El Paraiso Verde Friends, Emigrating to Paraguay WITH THE BASIC TITLE – El Paraiso Verde These are the moving moments of the most important, historic event of the world’s largest community of unpecked and awakened people – El Paraiso Verde, Life in Paraguay – with TITLE – I transfer the first two land titles to settlers. An enormous burden falls from our shoulders. And the next titles – as you know – were transferred to other settlers just one week later. 10 more titles are already in the works. Whoever meets all the requirements will receive their title.
Weiterlesen/More/MasNewsletter: Noahs Ark No. 43: Further Titles has been transfered, your Paradise in the Paradise with a Titel
Dear El Paraiso Verde Friends, WE WIN! The truth wins. The Deep State is in an uproar. The broadcast of the first titles sent shockwaves through the camp of “you’ll never get a TITLE in EPV” liars. And our tour participants are laughing all day. They see EPV for what it is and love it. Just like we do.
Weiterlesen/More/MasNewsletter: Noahs Ark No. 42: Clarification Peter Kunzmann, The Truth – First TITLE in Land Register!
Dear El Paraiso Verde Friends, The first two titles are already available in the electronic land register and on the Internet! Just ONE DAY after the titles were signed by our first settlers, they were entered into the electronic land register by the register of the National Land Registry of Paraguay. EL PARAISO VERDE – LIVING IN SECURITY AND FREEDOM – WITH TITLE!